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Article I:

The name of the organization shall be the Chicanx & Latinx Engineers and Scientists Society, hereinafter referred to as CALESS.

Article I:

The name of the organization shall be the Chicanx & Latinx Engineers and Scientists Society, hereinafter referred to as CALESS.

Article I:

The name of the organization shall be the Chicanx & Latinx Engineers and Scientists Society, hereinafter referred to as CALESS.

Article I:

The name of the organization shall be the Chicanx & Latinx Engineers and Scientists Society, hereinafter referred to as CALESS.

Article I:

The name of the organization shall be the Chicanx & Latinx Engineers and Scientists Society, hereinafter referred to as CALESS.

Article I:

The name of the organization shall be the Chicanx & Latinx Engineers and Scientists Society, hereinafter referred to as CALESS.

Article I:

The name of the organization shall be the Chicanx & Latinx Engineers and Scientists Society, hereinafter referred to as CALESS.

Article II:

CALESS shall be a student chapter of the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE) and MAES Latinos in Science and Engineering, as well as a registered student organization of the University of California, Davis. CALESS shall abide by its own by-laws and the university’s regulations.

Article III:

Mission: “To foster an environment where students in STEM thrive academically, professionally, and socially with the goal to better serve the Chicanx and Latinx community.”


Vision: “To be a primary pipeline for Chicanx and Latinx students to excel in STEM fields.”

Article IV:


CALESS shall:

a) Provide support to members through social gatherings, tutoring, academic workshops, and exposure to industry.

b) Establish a scholarship network for members.

c) Help members obtain summer and permanent employment.

d) Provide study sessions for our members.

e) Tutor students for the benefit of advancing Chicanx and Latinx to higher education.

f) Recruit potential Chicanx and Latinx students into the fields of STEM through community outreach.

g) Interact with other school chapters so as to achieve unity and retention of Chicanx and Latinx in Engineering and Science at the University of California, Davis and other chapters.

Article V:


Membership shall not be restricted based on race, age, religion, gender, sexual orientation, disability, or ethnicity. Members may include registered students, faculty, and staff. CALESS shall offer two forms of membership:


1) Paid Member   2) Active Member


Section 1: Paid members shall include UC Davis students, faculty, staff, or any individual who has paid their CALESS membership fees for the current academic year.


Section 2: Active members shall include UC Davis students, faculty, staff, or any individual who is a paid member and has fulfilled the requirements for active membership as determined by the board for that academic year.

Article VI:
Powers of Officers &

The affairs of CALESS shall be governed by the active members in the following way:


Section 1: The authority of CALESS shall reside in the general membership. Each member shall have the privilege of casting one vote in the election of officers and in all matters pertaining to the affairs of the organization.


Section 2: Between meetings of the general membership, authority shall reside with the officers present at the officers' meetings.

Article VII:
Order of Succession

1) A vacancy in the office of President shall be filled by the Vice President.

2) A vacancy in the office of Vice President shall be filled by the Secretary.

3) If the order of succession cannot be fully enacted, the board of officers shall appoint a President or Vice President.


Clause 1: If Article VII cannot be followed and a vacancy occurs in any office, refer to the protocol outlined in Article VIII.

Article VIII:

1.) The President shall send out a nomination poll for the vacant position.

     a) This nomination poll will remain open for 5 days from the date it is sent out. 

     b) All general members may submit nominations for the vacancy.

2.) The President shall then ensure the nominees meet the requirements of Article XI (Elections Article) and notify those who qualify according to Article XI that they have been nominated for the position.

     a) The President shall have one day to complete this task.

3.) Nominees must accept or decline the nomination for the vacant position within 2 days of being notified by the President. 

4.) After accepting the nomination, the nominee must submit either a video speech (3 minutes max) or a cover letter (1 page) to the President. 

     a) The nominee must submit all materials within 2 days of accepting the nomination.

5.) Once all required materials are submitted, the President shall send an email with the election poll, cover letters, and video speeches to all paid members for voting on the incoming officer. 

     a) The election poll will remain open 5 days from the date it is sent out.

6.) The incoming officer will be announced to the members via email and at the next general meeting.


Clause 1: During the election process for filling vacancies, the current board shall elect a board member to serve as the interim for the vacant position.

Clause 2: If there are no nominees, the current board shall decide how to address the vacancy (e.g., leave the position vacant, have the board nominate someone based on a majority vote, and then have paid member vote on that nominee).

The impeachment of an officer shall proceed as follows:

a) The process may be initiated if an officer’s activities are deemed to be against CALESS’s purpose and objectives, or if the officer’s duties are not being fulfilled. 

b) The process shall begin with a petition by at least one-third of the members.

c) The petition must be submitted to the officers at least five days prior to a general meeting, allowing the officers to present it at the next meeting.

d) The active membership must make a decision within two weeks of notification, requiring a two-thirds vote of those present.

e) The impeached officer shall be ineligible to run for office until the next academic year.

Article IX:
Impeachment of Officers

Article X:
Termination of Officers

Active membership in CALESS may be terminated through expulsions as outlined in this constitution. Active membership may also be withdrawn or refused by a majority vote of the general membership for the following reasons:


Section 1: Participation in activities that are detrimental to the goals and functioning of CALESS.


Section 2: Any active member may voluntarily withdraw their membership at any time.


Section 3: Regular membership shall be withdrawn when the member ceases to attend the University of California, Davis.


Section 4: After active membership has been withdrawn, any outstanding debts owed to CALESS must be repaid within 30 days of the withdrawal date.

Article XI:

Section 1: The President and Vice President positions should be held by individuals with at least one year of experience on the CALESS Board. If no candidates meet this requirement, the positions will be open to all paid and active members.


Section 2: To run for a position, you do not have to be a paid member.


Section 3: To vote, you must be a paid member.


Section 4: Elections for new officers shall begin at the end of winter quarter, with nominations coming from the general membership. 


Section 5: All nominated officers shall be elected by a majority vote of the paid general members.


Section 6: Elected officers shall assume their offices by the Friday of the seventh week of the spring quarter, at which time the terms of the existing officers shall end.

The duties of the officers shall be as follows:

Article XII:
Officer Responsibilities


1) Serve as the main contact for CALESS.

2) Conduct officer and general meetings.

3) Administer all activities and regularly check in with officers.

4) Maintain contact with alumni.

5) Oversee the CALESS Leader of the Quarter program.

6) Manage the election processes for the entire year after assuming the position during Week 7 of the Spring Quarter, including completing any processes that began before the end of the term. 



1) Record minutes at officer and general meetings.

2) Distribute agendas before each meeting.

3) Manage the distribution of thank you cards.

4) Update all CALESS calendars (including Google Calendar and active member opportunities).





1) Send weekly emails.

2) Update the listserv and website.

3) Maintain CALESS analytics.​

4) Send quarterly updates of chapter accomplishments.

5) Coordinate logistics for CALESS events.




External Academic Chair:​

1) Form an academic committee.

2) Coordinate study jams and study lockdowns.

3) Facilitate opportunities for the academic growth of all CALESS members, including graduate school tours, workshops on research and academic success, and other relevant research opportunities.​

4) Manage the Graduate Fellowship Archive.

5) Organize presentations on academic success and development during at least one general meeting per quarter.

6) Assist the Internal Academic Chair as needed.


Special Events:

1) Organize all special events, including the Winter Retreat and End of the Year Banquet.

2) Draft invitation letters to CALESS affiliates for the Banquet.

3) Organize intramural (IM) sports teams if there is interest.

4) Form a special events committee.



1) Form an outreach committee.

2) Organize all campus outreach events for CALESS.

3) Reserve on-campus locations for CALESS events.


















1) Update scholarship and internship opportunities on the Academic Website.

2) Coordinate at least one professional event per quarter (e.g., resume review, roundtable, mock interviews, tips for a successful career fair, industry tours).

3) Collaborate with the Treasurer to ensure funding for professional events.

4) Run meetings in the President’s absence.



1) Manage all financial accounts.

2) Provide financial reports at least once per month and once per quarter at general meetings.

3) Draft any needed proposals.

4) Form and lead a committee to raise funds for CALESS.

5) Collect membership fees.


Public Relations:

1) Design flyers and infographics for all events.

2) Create, promote, and share events on social media.

3) Photograph all general and special events.

4) Update event photography on Google Drive.

5) Oversee the alumni database on the website.

6) Co-chair the social committee with the University Liaison.


Internal Academic Chair:​

1) Form an academic committee.

2) Coordinate and organize the Buddy System and Buddy System events.

3) Maintain and update the Academic Website as needed for the quarter and year.

4) Post research opportunities on the Academic Website.

5) Manage the CALESS Academic Drive by requesting and distributing materials.

6) Assist the External Academic Chair as needed.



University Liaison:

1) Attend all joint meetings with other ethnic and/or engineering organizations.

2) Serve as the Engineering Joint Council Liaison.

3) Coordinate university events involving CALESS.

4) Inform officers and members of relevant events taking place within other organizations.

5) Co-chair the social committee with the Public Relations officer.

6) Maintain active member lists using membership logs.










Article XIII:

All standing or ad hoc committees shall be established by the officers. The establishment and termination of committees shall require approval by a majority vote of the officers.

Article XIV:

The President shall chair both general officer meetings. If the President is unable to attend, the Order of Succession shall be followed.

Article XV:

Proposed amendments must be announced at a general meeting. Amendments shall be ratified by a majority vote by all members present at the meeting, at least two weeks after the proposal is made.

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