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CALESS Alumni Advisory Board – C.A.A.B
The Mission of the CALESS Alumni Advisory Board (CAAB) is to:
Provide expert advice and assistance to CALESS officers,
Bridge the gap between Alumni and current graduate and undergraduate students,
Promote the awareness of CALESS within the College of Engineering, as well as other UC Davis Colleges that award other STEM (science, technology, engineering mathematics) oriented degrees, and
Secure external resources and other support for initiatives under CALESS purview.
The long-term Vision of the Board is to serve as informed Ambassadors for the Chicano and Latino Engineers and Scientists Society. The CAAB shall consist of UC Davis Alumni, external advisers, individual donors and external organizations that will support the sustainability and mission of CALESS at UC Davis.
A commitment of 3 years on the Board
A minimum of four Board members needed to lead these four initiatives
Meet 4 times per year (via conference call)
Promote and encourage documentation within each CALESS initiative for continuity of the organization
Provide advice/expertise on the following CALESS initiatives and Programs:
Financial Sustainability
Secure Corporate Sponsorships
Help provide CALESS officers with Financial Budget Workshops
Documentation of Financial Accounts and Budgets for continuity
Recruitment and Engagement
Coach each CALESS officer on their “elevator speech” in regards to the mission of CALESS. In order for them to recruit more members, they need to be able to pitch “What CALESS is” in one minute.
Provide CALESS officers with measurable metrics to track on a quarterly and yearly basis, i.e. % of new members, % members retained, % of gender by major.
Work with the College of Engineering and Student Recruitment Retention Center for past historical data on Latinos who graduated with STEM fields from UC Davis (estimates will help in order to compare it with today’s numbers, so we can evaluate our progress in the past 39 years).
Coach CALESS officers on how to evaluate what and how many events/activities they should do in order to recruit and retain their members (Quality over Quantity)
Video – We need a video on the CALESS website of selected Alumni and Students on “How has CALESS benefited their academic and professional development?”
Help them evaluate their social media networks? Are they using them to their full extent to recruit and retain their members (LinkedIn, Facebook)? Have a protocol for updating LinkedIn profile (every six months).
CALESS Alumni Scholarship (Academic Scholarship)
Donations made by Alumni and Industry. Recipients of Scholarship will be selected by the criteria the CAAB provided to the University Scholarship Foundation, UC Davis
Promoting the awareness of the Scholarship to CALESS Alumni
Alumni Engagement
STEM Speaker Seminars – Once a quarter have Alumni and faculty share their story on how they arrived at this stage in their careers
Maintain updated Alumni database
Long term goal – match students with Alumni mentors
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